
A Woman Life Balancer

You are shining bright with self-care, self-love.  Hugs.  I recognize a woman who values herself highly.  You don’t just add a yoga class or two to an already overloaded schedule.  You know that replenishing your personal life foundation is the strong position as you face life’s joys and bumps. 

Who Would You Be if You Prioritized
Your Own Happiness?

Possibilities:  anxiety, burnout, isolation, decreased energy, poor appetite.  I designed workshops for these.

Possibilities:  persistent lack of sleep, burnout, Imposter Syndrome.  I have a workshop for these. 

Possibilities: overwhelm, irritability, inability to be fully present, lack of focus.  I have just the right workshops.

Topics I Discuss



Lorem dictumst vitae commodo sagittis consectetur mi, varius id gravida tincidunt faucibus.



Adipiscing id in lectus hendrerit mus in ut vulputate scelerisque fermentum.



Commodo sit in odio velit non lacus, rhoncus, commodo faucibus ac nec.



Turpis metus orci massa, praesent vitae eget purus pulvinar augue et est.


Self Improvement

Porttitor nibh eget tellus sed odio diam sit ultrices sit enim viverra.


Self Awareness

Risus tincidunt tempor, velit hendrerit cras neque adipiscing pharetra, vitae consequat.



Mus a pulvinar lectus cum ultricies nibh mi ac blandit phasellus porttitor.


Life Skills

Orci vestibulum, massa morbi eu nec ultrices integer nulla feugiat morbi.

Main Services


One-on-one / CEO Coaching

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.


Business Coaching

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.


Management Coaching

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.


Workshops & Seminars

Felis nulla purus pellentesque id euismod auctor fames ut tempus feugiat mi quisque eget vitae.


My Clients Are Amazing

"Aisha made me laugh a lot and learn a lot. So glad I listened to her."

JBT, PhD. Environmental Sciences

"Got me ready to make some hard shifts in my personal life and I did them!

Leyda K., Mom of 3 & Business Consultant

"Coaches each need a coach behind them. I needed someone who could hold some pretty complicated parts and pieces in my life. She helped me to think it through."

Helena Jimenez

"I was despondent and beginning to come down with something but I kept on working long hours. I was afraid to stop. Aisha, got me to understand the cultural stuff behind feeling that I was nevver enough. With her help, I restructured my life."

Willa Klamath, Architect & Professor

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