- 011 Anxiety Can Be a Family Trend but Families Can Heal with Neelma Pyfrom, MA, Life Coach
- 010 Claiming the Full Range of Our Emotions with guest Isha Vela, trauma psychologist
- 009 Discovering Your Steps to Clarity with guest Katherine Golub, MBA PCC
- 008 Historic Romance and Real-life British Royalty of Color with author August Jade Sterling
- 007 The Creative Feminine Brain with guest Sayantika Mukerjee-Amspacher
- 006 Women Supporting Women with author Marian L. Thomas
- 005 Self-worth/self love with guest Misty Perry
- 004 Childhood & Female Enculturation
- 003 Elevate Women: Prioritizing Self-care
- 002 Elevate Women philosophy: the female empowerment mission
- 001 Prioritizing Personal Happiness with guest Jedidah Karanja, product and digital marketer
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