She Talks to Angels

She Talks to Angels

She Talks to Angels

 Yes, me.  I talk to angels off and on throughout my every day.  They answer my questions.  They tell me what I most need to know at any given time before I even know the need.  Am I the first to tell you that the angels are talking to you?  Okay.  So, maybe this whole business of listening to the angelic realm is news to you.  It’s a reality that now shapes everything in my life and I love it.  My own spiritual transformation was not imposed on me by anyone or by organized religion.  Instead, it was discovered by me.  Everything that I describe here is meant to encourage you to move forward with your own spiritual discoveries. 

Angels.  Angels.  Angels.

Firrst, you need to know about angels.  These messengers are ALL LIGHT.  No, really.  Light Beings.  They exist at a much, much higher vibration than us, humans.  That does not make them higher in some imagined God order that also makes humans lowly.  They and we are all of the Light or, in other words, of the stuff of the Universe.  We are part of Source Energy.

The most basic thing for you to know is that we, humans, are only visiting the planet, earth.  Each of us is spirit and originated from the spirit world.  A spirit temporarily inhabiting a physical body is reality.  When each of us reaches an end to our human life we pass back to the other side.  YOU are spirit.  You came here to earth to have experiences/lessons that would benefit your SOUL’s evolution.  You as spirit made a plan with your spiritual team for your next lifetime on earth based on your intentions for what you might learn.  You and your angels came onto the physical plane.  They remained with you.  When it is time to go back to the other side the angels will escort you and help you to transition.  Got it?  You are spirit.  You are part of God/Spirit/whatever you wish to call Source Energy.  We came from Source and we will return to Source.  I was asked, “What does it mean spiritually when a man dies?”  This is a very brief answer to that question. 

Spirituality is all about one’s unique connection with God/Spirit/Source Energy.  The angels are committed to helping humanity.  They give guidance.  They listen.  The angels are always with us and they assist you with acomplishing the mission you chose when you decided to come to earth.  You have your own guiding angels plus you always have the option of calling in even more angels.  There are angel specialists for any subject or project that you might be working on.  Asking for help from the Ministry of Angels can be a lot of fun.

You can struggle through a human life without listening to the angelic realm and that is your right.  Your angels will stick with you no matter what.  They are talking to you constantly even if you didn’t know to listen.  They are offering information that would benefit you as you do your life.  The angels give nudges to help your decision making but, of course, you have free will and your decisions are your own.

If you want to hear the angels, you can.  Anyone can sit in stillness and hear them.

A Little About Me

I was born in 1954 to parents who did all they could to give us a comfortable middle-class life but they could not save me from walking through a long series of traumatic events once I left for college.  Looking back I know for sure that the angels were always there for me.  They sent me comforting energy.  They sent me nudges and inspired my most creative ideas.  I had “knowings,” or knowing things sometimes that I could not possibly know because of the angels trying so hard to send me information.  I saw and/or felt things that I had no explanation for because the angels were doing all that they could to take care of me.  As I walked scared to death to a court hearing against my abusive former spouse, they sang to me and that was the first time that I heard them with my human ears.  Would you believe that I knew nothing about angels or where we, humans, came from or about the everlasting unconditional love of Source?  I just didn’t know.  So, when a song began playing from seemingly everywhere as I walked downtown that day, perhaps, I felt a little less scared.

Talking to Angels

So, how do you talk to angels?  How do you train yourself to hear them?  If you want to do so, it can happen.  It requires inner work.  Switch your focus inward and listen.  Practice every day.  Could be as simple as that with your intention to hear them.  However, most people all over the planet and in every generation dedicate themselves to daily meditation If you study with a spiritual teacher there would be rituals, routines such as a regular meditation time, prayers of release, and probably affirmations.  If you join a channeling class and take group lessons, you will be led through exercises that will give you your first experience hearing angelic messages. 

Oh, no.  Maybe you think that hearing angels must be like a movie depiction of the heavens bursting open and a big booming voice is directed at you.  You might even imagine that the voice of God or an angel will begin to dictate what you must do.  Do this.  Do that.  Or, perhaps, you think that there will be a review or worst, a judgment about your darkest secrets.  There is no judgment from God or from the angels.  Ever.  Operating from a higher vibration there is no will to be judgmental—that’s a human thing—or to give conditional love.  That’s a human practice, too.  Everyone has a unique and very specific experience communicating with angels.  And in case you were wondering—you have no secrets.  God/Higher Consciousness/Source knows absolutely everything about everything in the universe.  You are part of Source.  There is no critique of how you choose to live your life.  No judgment.  The angels are with you to support your purpose for having incarnated.  They love you unconditionally, without question.  They cannot do otherwise.

My Experience with the Angels Today

In my mind I hear a voice that is my own.  Surprise.  Everyone is different in their experience, but my angels speak in a voice that sounds exactly like my own.  Nothing startling is going on.  It is a wonderfully kind, loving experience every time.  I feel deeply loved.  Often, I have tears of joy on my cheeks.  Sometimes, they make me laugh; they have a great sense of humor.  Angelic messages are not just important because of the words that are perfectly designed to help you and others, too.  Messages from the angelic realm carry an amazing love energy that can be felt not just by the person channeling them but by anyone who hears or reads the messages. 

I am called a Conscious Channel, which means that I do not fall into a trance in order to have the angels speak through me.  When I am in a client session, the client hears me speaking to them.  I am speaking with full guidance and loads of love pouring into me and the client, both are gifts from the angels.  I channel my team—my guides, my own angels, and Archangel Ariel.  I also channel Archangel Rafael,  Archangel Michael, Yeshua/Jesus, and Buddha.  The archangels are great teachers in my life.  My channel is only available to the higher frequencies.  Only Source can come through plus all the angelic realm, including your angels.  Clients receive the benefit of my counseling training and experience plus the higher wisdom of the angels.

I am looking forward to sharing Light experiences with you.###

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