Is feeling good a good enough reason to work on oneself? Yes! This is an important part of your spiritual health.
Does following a spiritual path have to be about serving a greater good? Yes, and that greater good begins with serving your highest good. Pursuing your spiritual path is necessarily walking a path of self-transformation. You are committing to mastering the energies that are You. Remember that you are spirit. You are temporarily inhabiting a physical body. So, mastery of the Self means allowing the Higher Self to direct your human life for the successful evolution of your soul, which is why you came to earth.
Let’s get back to the importance of Feel Good feelings. You are supposed to enjoy yourself while hanging out on the planet, earth. You are supposed to feel good in the body. Probably, no one told you that. What makes you feel amazing? When are you at your best? When do you feel full and satisfied? What are your passions or what wakes you up and fills you with strong motivation? Follow that momentum. Allow yourself to feel thoroughly good inside. Acknowledge those high feelings as your normal.
Everyday, practice acknowledging aloud all the wonderful things for which you can be grateful. I am so grateful for my good health. I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for the beautiful light pouring through my windows. I am grateful for the singing birds outside my windows reminding me to be grateful!
Become a Human Light Generator, the Joy Bug, the Singer of Positive Energy. As you step into your day set an intention of having good experiences that lift your energy even further. “Expect good things,” as someone’s mother used to say. What I am describing here is one part of practicing your spirituality without religion. [Religion and religiosity are a different subject.]
Throughout your day, notice where your mood and vibration are. What kind of energy are you putting out? If something happens to disturb you can you breathe and shift back to raising your vibration? Observe the beauty all around you if only you would notice.
As you lift yourself to a higher vibration and way of life you are necessarily contributing to the good of the greater whole. We are not connected because some dogma, religious or not, says we are but rather it is a most basic truth that everything is connected to everything. You feel better. You feel whole inside. You feel loved and your capacity to love has risen. Therefore, you have lifted the human consciousness to a higher vibration along with you. Yay, us.
Accept that separateness is a lie.
Shouldn’t I feel guilty about making myself feel better? How can I rightfully pursue enjoying every breath and every moment of my life if others are suffering in the world or, maybe, within my own family? If you are focused on lower energies, such as war and aggression or animosity or anger then you have contributed nothing toward ending the very terrible hostilities that you abhor. Instead, you have helped to fuel them by adding on your own internally-generated lower energies. The only thing that replaces hostility, revenge, hatred, and more is peace. Every day that you take the time to be still and look for and find peace inside yourself you’ve done a great and effective thing toward ending the world’s terrible energies. Be still. Find peace. YOU generate peace and then extend that genuine love energy outward into the world. You will have added more peace, more love, more light into the human consciousness, which is behind all our human belief systems, our motivations, and, finally, our actions.
Never doubt that you are very important as a unique personality (the human aspect) AND very important as part of the whole. Who is this Whole? You and, well, Everything!